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Our goal has always been focusing on the well-being of people, aspiring to provide the premium nordic comfort recliners. our selections of functional recliner can be adjusted precisely to suit your most comfortable position and features a smooth, durable gliding mechanism combing the integration of electric power motor bringing nordic authentic comfort and experience a premium relaxation like no other
Design Meets Funtion
Premium Nordic Comfort

SCANDINAVIAN LIVING 斯堪維亞 北歐舒適挪威休閒椅 對健康、品質、與創新設計的使命是使其成功的驅動力,承諾打造極致放鬆的家具精品。採用業界領先的溫感調節支撐系統與頂級高厚度義大利牛皮加上實木底座與十年保固。讓休閒椅也成為 Functional Art 家中的藝術品。
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